Biblical Leadership Show

Woven Threads of Thankfulness: The Transformative Journey of Gratitude, Kindness, and Texan Charm

Tim Lansford and Dr. Dean Posey Season 2 Episode 26

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As Tim Lansford and Dr. Dean Posey, found themselves wrapped in the embrace of a torrential Dallas-Fort Worth downpour, a spark of inspiration ignited our latest heart-to-heart. We've all felt that whisper of thanks when life tosses us a little something extra, but what if we told you that embracing gratitude could reshape your life's narrative? Our exchange wanders through the transformative terrain of thankfulness, highlighting how a simple shift in perspective can lead to a habit of heartfelt appreciation that threads through every aspect of being.

Weaving in personal tales of second chances and faith, Dr. Posey and I dissect the profound impact of recognizing one's inherent worth through God's eyes. This episode is stuffed with actionable wisdom, from scribbling down daily blessings in a gratitude journal to cultivating habits that can turn every sunrise into a fresh canvas for kindness and generosity. Whether you're a seasoned gratitude guru or just starting on this journey, our conversation promises to offer new insights on living fully and thankfully.

Now, it wouldn't be a chat without a good chuckle, so prepare for a healthy dose of dad jokes that'll have you groaning and grinning in equal measure. And for those yearning for a slice of authentic Texan spirit, join us as we reminisce about the rustic allure of the Fort Worth Stockyards. Our episode is more than just talk; it's an invitation to join us on a jaunt through the remarkable power of gratitude, spiced up with a few laughs and travel dreams. So, settle in, grab your journal, and get ready to paint your days with the vibrant hues of gratitude.

Speaker 1:

Alright, pappa, see ya'll. Welcome to another exciting episode of the Biblical Leadership Show.

Speaker 2:

Hey Tim, how you doing.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, I'm doing all right today. How are you doing on this?

Speaker 2:

fine day, I am good. Tim Lansford and Dr Dean Posey.

Speaker 1:

Tim Lansford, Dr Dean Posey, with you here Enjoying some weather today.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, got a little sun out.

Speaker 1:

We've had a rainy weekend.

Speaker 2:

It was intense rain.

Speaker 1:

It was intense rain. So we're down here in Dallas, fort Worth, if you're joining us, I know we have some people across the country, even some international people, that are downloading our podcast.

Speaker 2:

So down here in Dallas, fort Worth, big state of Texas, yes, we did have some lots of rain, like several inches of rain. We did Like for three days in a row. We were with some friends down in the stockyards over the weekend and it wasn't supposed to rain. You know, we thought, well I might rain, so we took our umbrellas. We came out of one store and it was just pouring.

Speaker 1:

It was past umbrella, it was past pouring.

Speaker 2:

I mean it was like wow. And then we had to park, you know, on that east side of the stockyards at the very end of Exchange Street. We were parked down there toward the end of the lot, and so we were done. These people had to get back home and so we were walking through the stockyards and all that kind of stuff got to the parking lot. It was literally a river. I mean, between the cars it was like a river. So I said, okay, y'all stay here, I'm going to go get the car. The water was to the top of my shoes and now that was the low part. It's like God Lee, I need to get my swim goggles on or something to go down the hill.

Speaker 1:

The ladies didn't wear the nice shoes that day, so you know that's always a bad thing when they've got the nice high heels on. So anyway, we got a fun one today.

Speaker 2:

We do Important, very important.

Speaker 1:

Very important gratitude.

Speaker 2:

Yes, gratitude.

Speaker 1:

Now, we've talked about this a few times and a little bit before the show and everything. It's a very important subject.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and so let's just talk about what that is, how we developed that, why that's so important and what we can do in our life to grow into a lifestyle of gratitude. So first of all, it just says something real simple Gratitude is just a quality of being thankful and a show of appreciation. We're thankful, right? I?

Speaker 1:

mean we're thankful we're here, we're thankful we can share some wisdom on this podcast and have a little fun. You know, keep you occupied in your retirement so you don't have to run too much or swim too much.

Speaker 2:

trying to do these triathlon Swim this morning was awesome. Yeah, well, I was gonna work out.

Speaker 1:

But I'm working out tonight, not this morning.

Speaker 2:

So so that's good, that's really good. So, yeah, we're thankful. Now I think we're up to five or six listeners. That's real.

Speaker 1:

I think we pull an extra two over the weekend, so yeah, so I mean we might even be at eight. Now I don't even know. It's crazy.

Speaker 2:

No, I mean, I like that growth rate. Yes, exactly right.

Speaker 1:

Tripled in, you know, a couple of days. But yeah, you know we talked about and one of the big things about gratitude is that they you know there's a lot of different levels and we sort of discussed this. You know you can be thankful for random stuff and you can be truly thankful. So give me your thoughts on what you really feel that gratitude. Where do you think? What does gratitude mean to you?

Speaker 2:

Well, I'll just talk about different levels of gratitude, so you know, if you have, like we have a real good friend whose birthday is today, and yeah, Well, happy birthday, friend His name is Joe and he's just awesome guy and so, anyway, birthday today, but if someone was to give you a birthday present or a Christmas present or anniversary present or something, you might be thankful. I hope you're thankful for that gift, but that could be very temporary, yeah, and so gratitude could be just an emotion for the moment Is it sort of like all those toys that my kids got for Christmas that are still in the boxes in their playrooms?

Speaker 1:

Yes, exactly right. So they were thankful for the moment they were, and sometimes we can be grateful for the moment, and that's not a bad thing.

Speaker 2:

Okay, but let's take it to the next level. What if you just wake up and you're just in a good mood, you know you're thankful that you have a job, or maybe you have a great family, you know it's sunny outside instead of raining, you had a good workout at the gym, whatever you got to raise, whatever it is, or you didn't get fired or something, and you're just having a good day. You're just grateful that things are going well. Well, that's a different level, because it's not just temper, it's not just for a moment or a few minutes. That might last over an hour or days of time.

Speaker 1:

But really we probably had some people thankful that it wasn't raining on the way to church yesterday. Yes so you know, like the day before right.

Speaker 2:

Yes, exactly it was sprinkling me on the way to church. It was a little bit before eight, but you know that's okay.

Speaker 1:

Not the gully washer.

Speaker 2:

No, not the gully washer. But then there's another level that I think God wants us all to strive to get, and I think it's a learned behavior, and I think all of us are capable of getting to that level and that is gratitude as a way of life, that we just live a life of thankfulness. We live a life of gratitude, of appreciation and kindness. We're just, we just have. That's just part of our DNA. It's not something we have to fake, it's not something that's temporary, it's just. We live a life of that, of gratitude, and it's learned behavior.

Speaker 2:

I truly believe it's learned behavior. It's more natural for some than others, just because that's how we're made, it's how we're born or whatever Our circumstances. Growing up, it might be difficult for us to be thankful or grateful for certain things, but I think all of us have the capacity to learn to be thankful and grateful as a way of life, and we can talk about how we can do that in a few minutes. But I just think it's important for everybody who's listening to realize that, no matter what you've gone through, no matter who you are, no matter what's happened in your life, with God's help we can actually be transformed by his power to be a person that grows in our gratefulness, and when we start doing that intentionally, other people notice and it really does affect not just our life but the life of the people around us.

Speaker 1:

Right, yeah, and even the situations.

Speaker 1:

I was thinking about my own story and I don't even I can't remember we've been friends for a while If I've told you my story and I won't get into it full bloodshed here but one of those things that I sort of got a second chance in life, couple second chances in life, and I honestly believe that I was allowed to live longer than I was supposed to when I signed the contract to come back to Earth, right, and I honestly believe that.

Speaker 1:

And ever since that time and this is a series of car wrecks and stuff and I've been gratified that mentality of every day you wake up, you take a deep breath and it's gonna be a good day and from then the blessings just piled on. But it is a different mindset and a lot of people go through it when they go through different trying times and surgeries and all this stuff, and it changes your whole belief system. As far as that, I mean there isn't a day that I don't go by that I'm not thankful for something, and just in general, I mean there's every day that you can be thankful for something out there.

Speaker 2:

So let's just talk about how do we begin. If that's not natural for us and for many people it's not. For some people it is, but not for everybody let's just talk about how do we begin to move to a lifestyle or a life of being grateful. And I really think the foundation of that is acknowledging, accepting us the way God sees us, because on the deepest level, Gratitude is a reflection and acknowledgement and acceptance of our worth and God believes in us. He sent a son to die for us. We are of ultimate worth in His eyes.

Speaker 2:

And when we begin to see that, yes, we've all made mistakes, we've all done things we shouldn't have done, we all can be sorry and ask for forgiveness. But sometimes we still beat ourselves up because we don't think we're worth anything, we think that life would be better without us, or no one loves us or we're not accepted. But I tell you, one of the most, if not the most important truth in the entire Bible is God loves us, period. Nothing we can do or say will ever decrease His love for us. And if we can begin to accept our worth in the eyes of God not in our own eyes, but in the eyes of God If we can begin to accept that, that there is a God who loves us deeply, as deeply as he loved His own Son, then we can begin.

Speaker 2:

That is the foundation of living a life that wow. Someone sees me as a person of worth. I don't see myself, maybe, as a person of worth, you know some people might say, but I see that God accepts me as a person of worth, that he loves me, he forgives me, he forgives me right where I am and just the way I am. And once we get that foundation, then we can build on that to move forward into a lifestyle of gratitude.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and one of those things that we talked a little bit about, it's mindset, you know, and how you retrain that mindset. And you can do it from the biblical standpoint, you can do it from the leadership standpoint and you know, one of the biggest things that we talked about and I talk about in the leadership aspect and you mentioned it earlier, not myself is keeping a gratitude journal.

Speaker 2:

Oh yes.

Speaker 1:

I think that's one of the biggest things that we're taught. You know most of your leaders that are out there that are very successful. That's what basically you're doing. You have so many thoughts to come in your head and if you can retrain your brain basically to look at the positives instead of the negatives in there and that's what the gratitude journal is doing it's putting all those, it's giving you those thoughts so you can capture those moments and you can convert yourself into somebody that could be a negative and not living up to the full worth that you're just talking about, to one that go, yeah, I'm truly blessed and you need to give thanks for those blessings, and it's a whole different mindset.

Speaker 2:

It is a mindset, and so we were talking about this before the show and that is, people always find what they're looking for always, and so if we're looking for something to be thankful for, we will always find it. If we're looking for a way to criticize somebody, we will always find it. Like I said before, someone gave you a check for a million dollars, if you were trying to be critical, you'd be critical that they wrote it in the wrong color ink, you know. So we can always find a way to be critical if we're looking for that, but we can always find a way to be grateful if we're looking for that.

Speaker 1:

So I was just going to say if anybody wants to give us a check for a million dollars and test our gratefulness. I mean we would be totally accepting in that. If you'd like to just give us a call.

Speaker 2:

That's a good call, I'm coming.

Speaker 1:

I think my cell phones up there. So come on, we'll fly across country. Come see us Exactly, but you know gratitude takes time, it takes commitment.

Speaker 2:

It's like if you were to say, hey, I'm going to train for a marathon, or I'm going to train for this particular thing, I want to get better at playing guitar, or I want to get better playing piano, or I want to do, you know, get a 300 score in bowling, or whatever. It's going to take time and commitment. Well, the same thing is true with living a life of gratitude. It takes time, commitment, it takes discipline. It's a habit. It's hard, especially on days that stress occurs, which is almost every day, and but practicing it daily is so important. So let you've mentioned a gratitude journal, and so let's talk about that for just a minute, because that can be a great first step. You know, sometimes we think about starting something new only at the first of the year. Well, why not tomorrow?

Speaker 1:

You know, I mean why not tomorrow.

Speaker 2:

Let's just start something new tomorrow and start a gratitude journal. Now. You could do this on your phone If you wanted to do that. A lot of people just don't use pen and paper anymore. They do it on the phone. Great, do it on your phone because most people have the phone all the time with them, and so a gratitude journal would be to think of something for which you are thankful for or grateful for every day and not repeat for an entire year.

Speaker 1:

So the first week. That's a great one, because I had never I'd never heard that that aspect of it never repeat, because a lot of times, even in my journaling, I still repeat. So I you said that earlier to me I was like that's, that's pretty powerful if you cannot repeat. So anyway, didn't mean to rush you, no, no, no it's great because let's think of the very first.

Speaker 2:

Oh yeah, I'm grateful for my family. Or I'm grateful for my health, I'm grateful for my job, I'm grateful for my kids If we have kids, you know and after about a week you run out of those things that are obvious, yes, and then you have to start digging deeper and really begin to process who am I and why am I? Why am I not thankful for something? And you might need to start meditating or praying and saying God, give me a heart of thankfulness, give me a heart of gratitude, and help me see, with your eyes, what I should be grateful for that you have put in my life. That I should be grateful for, you know, one could be the fact that we might not think about this. What about our five senses? You know, I just had cataract surgery and I'm seeing better now than I did in the sixth grade.

Speaker 2:

You know, it's amazing. I am so thankful for the doctors, the medical staff. They were absolutely phenomenal. Okay, but what about every breath that we breathe, what about every heartbeat that we have? You know, I mean, if we start really processing, if we try not to repeat and it's easy to do that. If you keep it on your phone or a journal, then we start being thankful for those really deep things of life that we just take for granted, and so that would be a challenge, it isn't?

Speaker 1:

that hard, you know, because I mean that's one of the things I pitch as far as going through and trying to learn one new thing every day. You know that's every day I try to learn one new thing and you think, oh wow, that's a lot. But it's really not. When you just sit down and you think about it, you hit the cube, you hear a bird or this or something and you just Google it and next thing you know you've learned something.

Speaker 1:

It's not that hard to learn one new thing a day, but I mean it's the same thing as far as that and I pitch that to people all the time it's like just stop and focus on one thing that you hear or see or something and just Google it and it goes back. If you're stopping and looking at that one new thing, well that's that one new thing that you might be thankful for. I mean I love that. You know I can drink coffee in the morning and I can hear the birds starting to come back in. You know I love hearing the birds in the morning when the sun's coming up and they're starting to fire up and that's joyous, you know. That's gratitude 100% to hear the birds coming in, because it's so quiet Sometimes in the winter it's like it's just a whole different feeling sitting outside, you know.

Speaker 2:

Exactly right. And so one of the reasons why a gratitude journal is so important is because all of us at some point and maybe right now, we're going through a very stressful time. It could be because we lost a job, maybe we lost a loved one, maybe we're having to relocate for whatever, maybe a marriage split up. We're normally going through something that's stressful in our life and so many times when we're going through stress, that's our focus, and a gratitude journal helps us in the midst of that, to take our focus off. That doesn't mean it's not important. We have to deal with some of those things, you know. But if our focus is only on the stress and the things that cause the stress, that just creates more anxiety. Blood pressure increases, stress just multiplies. But if we can, in the midst of that, go back to our gratitude journal and start reflecting on those things for which we're thankful, that really helps change our focus. And that brings me to one of the passages in Scripture which is so important. It's Philippians, for chapter 4, verse 6 and 7. And some people might be familiar with this verse, but I'm going to read it anyway.

Speaker 2:

The apostle Paul wrote this in the book of Philippians in the New Testament, chapter 4, verse 6 and 7.

Speaker 2:

He said this do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your request be made known to God, and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Speaker 2:

Now, one reason verse 7 is so important. I'm going to repeat it again. He says and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your heart. Now, that word guard, in that particular word that Paul used in the Greek, is a military term that was used for guarding a city, and like an army, a garrison around a city to guard it from the enemy. And that's to me what gratitude does when we begin to be thankful especially. We're thankful to God for the worth he places in our life, we're thankful for the forgiveness through his Son Jesus, we're thankful for the very life we have. If we begin to be thankful and grateful as a lifestyle, then what happens is that peace of God will come into us and it will guard our heart. It will. Our focus is on the gratefulness instead of the stressfulness of life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think that's you know you tie that right back into from biblical to corporate leadership.

Speaker 1:

You know being a boss and you have employees, if your employees are, if you show in gratitude towards your employees, then they have that sense of peace too, right, you know they feel guarded, they feel protected from things like that.

Speaker 1:

You got their back and I think that's one of the things that, once you get to the point where you're given gratitude in the corporate leadership, you know that's one of those things that creates that positive, that culture that we're always trying to get, that positive work environment, that employee engagement where people are engaged. They want to come to work, they want you to be their boss, they want to work harder for you. And you know a lot of this stuff and I think this one there's sometimes that we talk about this that the biblical and the corporate leadership they cross over, but this one is straight down the middle of the line, I think, because you know in gratitude is across the board, from all the biblical references all to the corporate leadership references. You know it all has the same impact for people and it's what you're doing to other people and you know putting yourself out there and showing them gratitude and ultimately that's going to take them to a different level where they can show gratitude, hopefully.

Speaker 2:

Yes, and so let's just talk about this from a business point of view. Or even you could do this for your family, and that is it's not natural for me and it's never been. It's still hard, I do it, but it's just hard. And that is to write thank you notes to people. Now, some people you know the thank you note is just, you know, get something, they just text or email or phone call or leave a message or whatever. My wife is a pro at writing thankful notes. I mean she is so awesome, it's just natural for her and so much of it is because of the life that she lives and the person that she is. She's just. She's just that kind of person and she's done that for all the years that I've known her. It's not natural for me, but Several years ago I was determined to write a note to members of my congregation and so what I had do my administrative assistant, I had her hold me accountable and she would address the envelopes and give me and it was a handwritten note.

Speaker 2:

I wasn't typed, I didn't dictate and have her type it, I actually hand wrote it. Well, if she addressed the envelopes and put them on my desk, I knew that I had to write like five a week. Okay, that was the goal. And so let me just say, for some of you like me, where that is a challenge, it's not natural. Then you know that's like the worst thing. The last thing you wanna do is write a thank you note, right, then find someone to hold you accountable for that. It could be a friend, could be a coworker, it could be someone you work with, it could be your spouse.

Speaker 2:

But doing that, really, the more I did it, the easier it was, because I started doing it every week. You know, five a week. I just did like basically one a day, but I would sit down on Mondays and I'd write them all. So then the next Monday she'd have it already and I'd write five more. And it wasn't a long note, it was just basically a note card and I would write, you know, a little bit of personal for each person.

Speaker 2:

Now, what if you started doing that to the people that you work with, you know, and just started thinking about something positive about every person that you work with? Or what about the person at the post office you know? Or the person at the grocery store that you always see, that you go through checker line number three. You know, if you just wrote a note and handed it to them or something, or the store manager or something, just started thinking of ways to express your gratitude for the people in your life that they might influence you. They might not influence you, but just beginning to think about ways, how can you show gratitude to other people? It really does change your outlook on life.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it leaves me back to a few things that are on my list of things to do, so you know it's funny, how do you do that? And I do that when I'm training. You know teaching seminars and stuff and in the corporate leadership, and you know, as soon as you say something and it jogs something, it's like hmm, that was on my list of things for me to do, that I haven't been doing so I need to get better about that.

Speaker 2:

Well, you know it's just, it's easy to always do the things we wanna do and not get to the things that are hard for us, right? And so if gratitude is not an easy thing for us, then my suggestion would be make a habit of doing it at the very beginning of the day.

Speaker 2:

I get up, spend a few minutes and if you don't read the Bible, I encourage you to read one chapter a day. Start in the book of Matthew in the New Testament. Just read one chapter a day. After you read that chapter, meditate on it for just a few minutes and then go to your gratitude journal and write one thing for what you're thankful for or you're gonna be thankful for for that day hey, maybe I got a new client. Thank you for God for sending me this new client, or this new prospect, or this new you know phone call, or I got a new list or whatever it may be. And just get that into a habit and the more you do it, the easier it will become. For some of us it's never gonna be as easy as it is for my wife, but it becomes easier the more we do it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and I challenge you to do your kids, you know.

Speaker 1:

I try to do that with my kids at night. You know, tell me one thing that you're grateful for, what's one thing today that you were grateful for? And a lot of times they'll come up with the same. I'm like no, come up with something different, like I don't know what it is. I'm like, and then I'll pick somebody in their class. I'm like, well, give me somebody that you're thankful for about Sebastian. And you know, tell me something that you're thankful for, and then they have a definite. Then they can go back and think about so.

Speaker 1:

But I'm trying to instill that where they think about something every day at nighttime prayers that we can go through and go all right, this is something that happened today that we're grateful, because I want them to look at that and I want them to think of over the course of the day. If something happens, whoop dad's gonna ask me at the end of the day. I better put that in the little side pocket just so I can write it down. Make sure I know I'm ready for him when he asks me tonight.

Speaker 2:

Well, like we said, if you're looking for something, you'll always find it, and if you start training your brain to always look for something to be grateful, then you'll find it. If you're not looking for it, it's gonna be difficult to find it, and so let's just skip to the scripture. And then we've got to throw in some dad jokes.

Speaker 1:

I mean, we're almost to the end of the podcast and we haven't even done one dad joke yet I mean, look at us being all serious. This is the other stuff.

Speaker 2:

That's crazy, but Psalm 118, 24, one of the most quoted passages in the Old Testament. This is the day the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it. I think if we can get up and realize that, hey, the Lord gave us another day, and there's a popular Christian song out today If we're not dead, then God's not done with us. He still has something for us to do. I believe it's something to help build his kingdom and so for breathing, then he still has work for us to do. I don't know what that is for you, you know, and but I strongly believe that if we get up, rejoice. We have another day to serve God and be a blessing to people. Then we'll find ways to do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and that's one of the things is just how do you and from a corporate leadership point, I always tell people your morning's the most important time. If you go through and you look at all the gurus of the world, we'll just say and without saying names, they don't get up and go straight to their email, check their email in the morning. They go through exactly what we're talking about. They go through the gratitude, they go through watching a video, they go through meditation, they go through different things. That makes them better. If you don't ever stop to take time to make yourself better, to change your brain, to get your mental thoughts together, then you're never gonna get better, You're never gonna be able to accomplish what you wanna accomplish in life. You're just gonna be that routine where you get up, drink your coffee, go to work, come home, eat dinner, do this, watch TV, go to bed, get up, drink coffee and it starts the next day. You gotta think of something you can do to make yourself better every day and that's one of those things. That's changing your brain.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's changing your brain and bless you, Thank you and change your brain by becoming a person of gratitude. So that's so important, and so we need to look for ways to do that. It might be different for you than it is for me, but that reminds me of something I wanted to tell you Over the weekend I needed some new pants, and I wanted to buy some camouflage pants. I've never owned a pair of camouflage pants, but you know, I couldn't find any.

Speaker 1:

No, you just don't know where they were. They were hidden, I guess.

Speaker 2:

I don't know. Oh, that was pretty good.

Speaker 1:

You know, I had one that I really liked this week. So, okay, I'm ready, I'm braced.

Speaker 2:

Did you hear about the cheese factory that?

Speaker 1:

exploded? No, there was nothing left but debris, debris.

Speaker 2:

Anyway, I thought that was a motor-moner today.

Speaker 1:

so oh, that ugh.

Speaker 2:

Okay well you know, thinking back about times in college. When I was in college I had a job at a calendar factory but I got fired because I took a few days off. Didn't see where that was going.

Speaker 1:

Oh, but I like it. You like that one, huh yes that's all right.

Speaker 2:

Got one more in there.

Speaker 1:

I've got, so I'm gonna go ahead and get it.

Speaker 2:

I've got so many more.

Speaker 1:

He is loaded up with that joke, man. He came ready to play what's orange and sounds like a parrot.

Speaker 2:

A parrot A carrot. Ha, ha, ha ha. Oh, what did one wall say to the other? I'll meet you at the corner. Oh yeah, that's right.

Speaker 1:

I was like I think I've heard this one before, so All right.

Speaker 2:

Oh, here's one more. Here's one more, one more. You know what we've got a few minutes we might as well make our audience groan yeah, we might as well. Okay so we were. You know, we were down to stockyards. Like I said earlier, we were down to stockyards over the weekend and, oh my goodness, they have some incredible craftsmen down there.

Speaker 2:

If you're ever in Fort Worth go to the stockyards, make a day of it. There is just some incredible leather craftsmen down there, hat I don't know what you call it, the person that makes hats, but you know there's some incredible hats down there, boots, you know, garment bags, pers. I mean phenomenal, it's just phenomenal. And so we were in a hat store and this one hat set. Do you know what one hat set to the other hat?

Speaker 1:

I think I do, but I'll let you stay here because I'm gonna go ahead, yeah that's it Very good, you must have heard.

Speaker 2:

I must have told you that before the show.

Speaker 1:

That was a good one. It was on my list over here, so I was gonna say you know, stay here. I'm gonna, because I'm going ahead. Yeah, I'm going ahead.

Speaker 1:

That was a pretty good set up. I like that one. That was a good one. Yeah, here's a big thing. If you've ever been to Stockyards, if you've ever come to Dallas, fort Worth, you gotta go to Fort Worth. A lot of people come and they'll go to the Dallas side and Fort Worth's night and day. It's changed a lot over the years. Right, it's getting a little bit more. You know, we always down here we say Dallas-fied. Right, you know, because there's a big difference, but it's still true and blue and you go down to Stockyards it's really some really good shopping, good walking around and see some of the stuff still out there. And you know you don't see the back in the day, when I first moved to Texas, you know, and you see all the horses and everything, they were still on the streets tied up and people into the bars and it was crazy.

Speaker 2:

They still have the cattle drive.

Speaker 1:

They do, I think twice a day. They do.

Speaker 2:

And so you need to look that up. I can't remember the time it's like 11.30 and four but they take these long horn cattle and push them down the street, and if you've never seen some of those long horns are their horns are like six feet.

Speaker 2:

Well, I mean it's unbelievable to spread on those horns and it's just a fascinating place and we were walking around Saturday and I was thinking, you know, there's probably no place else on earth like the Fort Worth Stockyards. It's just incredible and there's so much history there, walking through what used to be one of the biggest stockyards in the country and the history of that whole area.

Speaker 1:

The history in that area is pretty, pretty amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and then just down the street from there you got Jotigarcias, and some of that mixed in food is phenomenal, and there's so many good restaurants there they're on Exchange Street Great Barbecue, great Steaks, and so I just spend the whole day bringing your money and if you're a Fort Worth City person and you wanna sponsor, our show apparently we like it down there. Yes, we do, we do a lot and we'll just keep playing. We play Fort Worth Stockyards.

Speaker 1:

Oh man, we're having fun today, so you got a good one to take us out on.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, because we were thinking about where we are. We try to see as many national parks as possible. You do yeah, we're up to like 50 something right now.

Speaker 1:

That's amazing.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, and so we're going up to Iroial and Voyager's National Park this summer up in the Minnesota area. But I was thinking about the states. We try to figure out what's unique about the states when we go so we can see something unusual. But what state is known for its small drinks?

Speaker 1:

Got me on this one.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

All right, fair enough. All right, well, if you would like to check us out and send us some better jokes no, no, that was actually all right. So so, yeah, we can tell. We we've dipped into a couple of new jokes with a couple of people who sent some jokes in. And how do you send jokes into us? Or, you know, take your favorite dad joke, you go to biblicalleadershipshowcom and upload. Tell us if you have any requests for us, any topics. We would love to talk to you. Any prayer requests? We will pray for you and we'll even give your dad joke on there If it's yes.

Speaker 1:

I mean we say if it's worthy.

Speaker 2:

I mean every day worthy. I mean, how many grow. Is this going to be a one?

Speaker 1:

grown or two grown. Exactly right, we need to need to. We need to get that all done for the grown.

Speaker 2:

We have a grown meter. Yes, they do like.

Speaker 1:

I can put that together for us. So let's see, maybe I can get the grown meter. Yeah, that would be fun. All right, we'll do so. Check it out. Biblical leadership show, dr Dean Posey, have a great rest of the day.

Speaker 2:

Get a great day.

Speaker 1:

Thank, you Bye, bye.

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