The Biblical Leadership Show
Inspiration. Wisdom. Leadership from a Higher Perspective.
Welcome to The Biblical Leadership Show, your go-to resource for discovering timeless truths from Scripture that empower leaders to inspire, influence, and impact their world. Hosted by Tim Lansford and Dr. Dean Posey, this podcast takes a deep dive into the Bible’s profound lessons on leadership, bringing fresh perspectives to timeless principles that resonate in today’s fast-paced, ever-changing world.
Each episode is packed with:
- Powerful Biblical Insights: We explore the leadership styles of biblical figures like Moses, Esther, David, and Jesus, extracting practical strategies for overcoming challenges, building trust, and creating lasting impact.
- Real-World Applications: Learn how to integrate biblical leadership principles into your workplace, team, or organization while navigating the complexities of modern leadership.
- Inspiration for Growth: Whether you’re a seasoned leader or just stepping into a leadership role, our content is designed to motivate and equip you to lead with integrity, compassion, and vision.
- Stories and Wisdom: Hear personal stories and guest interviews that highlight how biblical leadership transforms lives and businesses.
Leadership isn’t just about titles or power—it’s about serving others, making wise decisions, and leaving a legacy of faith and purpose. Through relatable discussions, actionable takeaways, and encouragement rooted in Scripture, The Biblical Leadership Show provides the tools and insights you need to lead boldly and faithfully in every sphere of life.
Whether you’re leading in the boardroom, the church, your community, or your home, this podcast is for you. Together, we’ll navigate the intersection of faith and leadership, bridging ancient wisdom with modern relevance.
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The Biblical Leadership Show
Jonah's Journey: Leadership Lessons, Second Chances, and a Dash of Humor
Ever wondered how a simple U-turn led a shepherd to a life of enlightenment? Tune in as we kick off the new year on the Biblical Leadership Show with tales of holiday festivities, sandy escapes, and a touch of humor with our signature dad jokes. Dr. Posey and Tim Lansford are back, ready to guide you through the Bible's remaining books over the next eight months, starting with a lively discussion on the Book of Jonah. We promise a delightful mix of leadership insights and laughter to set a positive tone for the year ahead.
Set your sights on leadership growth with our engaging exploration of Jonah's journey, a tale of defiance, redemption, and universal love. We delve into the story's timeless lessons on embracing second chances and reflecting on our own biases. By aligning leadership decisions with core values and embracing God's unconditional love, we inspire you to lead with compassion and vision, transforming both your personal and professional life.
Join us for an exciting year of biblical exploration and personal development. From setting clear expectations for second chances to sharing personal goals, we offer practical tips to help you grow. As we sprinkle in humor with dad jokes, get ready for our upcoming sessions on Hosea and Amos. Expect insightful discussions, lighthearted laughter, and a journey that promises an enriching year ahead.
Welcome, welcome.
Speaker 2:Welcome welcome to a new year To a new year Tim.
Speaker 1:New year.
Speaker 2:Wow.
Speaker 1:Biblical Leadership Show. You're here with Dr Posey and Tim Lansford.
Speaker 2:Yes, how are you doing? Fantastic.
Speaker 1:Coming off this celebrations of the new year. Yes, a little travel, for sure for me. Yeah, some travel. Yeah, we had our family in.
Speaker 2:It was great. Our kids came from different parts of the country. It was just fantastic to be with them and the grandkids. It was just fun.
Speaker 1:That's awesome.
Speaker 2:We always have fun and you know just glad they get home safe and you know that. So it was, it was good, it was really really good. You had a good trip.
Speaker 1:I had a great trip Good, relaxing, you know, dip my toes in some sand and enjoy the holidays. As you know, what we usually do right after the Christmas we take off and we get out of town for the wife's birthday and spend New Year's Eve with toes in sand.
Speaker 2:So that's what we did this year. Well, it's been with the family right, yeah, exactly right. Just enjoy togetherness.
Speaker 1:Have some fun time. But we're back. We're back at another. I'll be back. Another year of the biblical leadership. Yeah, we're back. We're back at another. I'll be back. Another year of the biblical leadership. Yeah, we're not going away, guys, we're here, we're here.
Speaker 2:And it's going to be a great year. We're looking forward to it. It's going to take us about eight more months to go through all the rest of the books of the Bible. Yeah.
Speaker 1:If you're just joining us, maybe you have a New Year's resolution. You've come come across as what we've been doing. Go back and we started back at the beginning in Genesis. You know we've been doing. You know, every month, going through the books of the Bible and tying in some lesson plans into some leadership lessons and how we put this together. So you know, listen to this one, then go back and binge, binge, listen from genesis on right.
Speaker 2:And if you missed last week's show, oh my goodness, it was probably one of the funniest ones we've ever done at least for us.
Speaker 1:We we had some fun, if you didn't know that one. We we got into some goal setting, but other than that we rapid fired some dad jokes because, and if you're not familiar with our show, we put dad jokes in our show just because it makes us happy, and that's exactly right, but other than that, you know I see you picking up. Do you want to throw one in to start the year off, right it won't feel right if we don't start off with a dad joke.
Speaker 2:Right, here's a good one. Did you hear about the shepherd who drove his sheep through town?
Speaker 1:I do not.
Speaker 2:He was given a ticket for making a U-turn.
Speaker 1:I don't know.
Speaker 2:I almost want to give that one too, go either way yeah but here's the thing we don't want to have anybody make a U-turn and go back to the old year. Right, that's exactly right we want to help you move forward, set goals, accomplish those goals, help become a better person, help become a better leader, all based on biblical principles. That's what we're about and any way we can help you navigate through that we want to help.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean, this show alone is just a step in the right direction to increase your spiritual and hopefully you're doing some stuff. Maybe you picked up a Bible and read some passages every day and it's baby steps. However, you're doing it, we just want you to be involved.
Speaker 2:That's exactly right, so it's a great time. If you have not started reading the Bible, just pick one up, download one on your phone and start reading one chapter in the Old Testament, one chapter in the New Testament, every day. If you want a reading plan, maybe you want to read through the Bible in a year I encourage you to go to the Bible Recap biblerecapcom Tara Lee Cobble. She's a phenomenal teacher. She's based out of Dallas. You read the Bible about four or five chapters a day, which would take, you know, maybe 10, 15 minutes, and then she has like a five-minute podcast on. It's a recap of what you just read and she's a delightful person, very well-grounded in Scripture, and you will really enjoy that. So if that's something you want to do, I encourage you to do it. If you don't want to do something that extensive, then just pick up a Bible and read a chapter or two a day and that starts a good habit of Bible reading.
Speaker 1:Right. So let's talk about a recap, you know, and because I want you to explain sort of how we're going about our show, because, you know, last or a couple of weeks ago we sort of explained that we're doing all the books of the Bible, but we're not doing it in order that you would read it on the actual, you know, table of contents of the Bible. Right, Right, yeah.
Speaker 2:So the first we started at Genesis back in like September. We went through the book of Psalms and then Ecclesiastes, song of Solomon, now the rest of the Old Testament. We did Joel and Obadiah. But for now, until we finish the Old Testament, which will take us probably to about the end of March, first part of April, we're going to do all the books, but we're not going to necessarily do them in order. That's because some books need a little bit more attention or some books— we're taking two books and you know, putting them together, and so we'll get through all of them. But if you look at it and go, well, why are you doing Jonah now? It should be toward the end. It's just because that's the way we want to do it, to kind of make the flow better. And so just stick with us and we'll get to. And I encourage you, if you haven't listened to any of them, go back to the episodes where we start with the book of Genesis and hope you enjoy those.
Speaker 1:Yeah, follow along with us. Yeah, and we are. We're talking about Jonah today, and Jonah was a pretty unique character, is what I'm getting at.
Speaker 2:He was a character, he was a prophet in the Old Testament.
Speaker 1:It's a short book.
Speaker 2:It's only four chapters long, so you can sit down and read it in about 20 minutes and I encourage people to do that if you haven't read it. But one thing unique about the book of Jonah is that when we read other prophets in the Old Testament which there's quite a few and we'll get to all of those but this one in other books like jeremiah, ezekiel, isaiah, the prophet is speaking the words of god. So he's the god, is speaking through the prophet, and so what you are hearing when you're reading it, you're hearing god speaking through the prophet. Um, jonah is different, and that is the book of jonah is a story about the prophet. It's not about God speaking through the prophet. Now, god speaks to the prophet Jonah at the very beginning and they have some conversations. At the end Jonah gets upset with God for his mercy.
Speaker 2:But it's a totally different type of book about a prophet, and so, if you're not familiar, a lot of people heard about Jonah and the whale God spoke to. Jonah said I want you to go to this particular town over in the east, prophesy to them. And Jonah says nope, not going to do it. So he goes in literally 180 degrees in the opposite direction, runs away from God. Gets on a ship. There's a big storm. He says yes, I'm the fall, that's whatever.
Speaker 1:And he was sleeping down below right. He's sleeping down below the ship.
Speaker 2:Yeah, he's sleeping during the storm, and so the sailors, they throw him overboard, they repent because they understand it's God, and Jonah gets swallowed by a big fish. You know we normally say it's a whale and then he kind of repents. You know, we think maybe.
Speaker 1:Kind of maybe, Kind of maybe. Yeah, I don't know, there's some fuzzy gray lines there. Right, there's some fuzzy gray lines. I don't think he ever said sorry or anything, right? No?
Speaker 2:but then the whale spits him out on dry land. He goes to Nineveh. He preaches a sermon that's just very short it's like five words in Hebrew and the city repents and Jonah gets mad at God for having mercy on the people he hates. And so then he sits outside of the city of Nineveh and he waits for God to destroy the city and it doesn't happen and he gets all upset. And it's just a great lesson for us about the love and mercy of God. God has mercy and love for every human being, and if we're at odds with another person, for whatever reason, sometimes we wish that God wouldn't have mercy on them. Well, that's how Noah felt and that's what this book is all about. But the real story, one of the main lessons, is God's going to have mercy on everybody. He's going to love everybody the exact same. Now, we might not respond to that love, you might not want that love, we might reject that love, but he's still going to love us, and so God loves us, period. Just right. Where we are, just the way we are, how we respond to that is up to us. And Jonah was upset that God would love his enemies, and so that leads us to some great leadership principles.
Speaker 2:But before we get to that, let's finish up what we started last year, which I think is a good segue into the topic for today. A couple of weeks ago I talked about a magazine article that I read from Forbes magazine back in June, and the list was what leaders want from the people they lead. And there were four things, four of the top things they wanted from the people they lead. Number one was take accountability for your mistakes. Number two was be proactive in your follow-up, so the leader doesn't have to keep bugging you about following up. The last one was the ability to receive constructive feedback. So if you've done something, you want to, you know you want to be willing to get feedback and improve.
Speaker 2:But here's the fourth one show enthusiasm for new ideas. Now let's just talk about that, because that's a great segue into the new year. Your boss, if you're the leader, you want your people, you have new ideas, you may be new goals, new whatever it might be, and you want your people to have enthusiasm for the new ideas. And why is that so important? It's because if you start responding with enthusiasm, saying oh my gosh, here we go again, if you start responding with enthusiasm and the boss, leader whatever is open to that, then that could create even better ideas, it could create synergy, and so the end product is even better than what the leader said. And so responding with enthusiasm is an important key to that. And as long as the ideas align with the core values of the organization, then the whole goal would be to move the organization further along in its objective and its vision.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that's one of the things that you know, leaders' enthusiasm sets that tone. It sets the whole setup of your team, you know, of your company, and I think it's, you know, very important that you have that in place to energize your team, especially going this new year. If you can capitalize on this and we talked about it you know in the New Year's show that people don't you don't have to wait till the new year, but a lot of people do because they see this as a clean slate, they see this as a new beginning and you, as a leader, this is a new beginning. If you sort of maybe were less than perfect as being a leader, think about how you can change it, think about what you can do going through this new year and moving forward and to really, you know, drive that vision and that creativity of your group.
Speaker 2:And so if you want your people to show enthusiasm, that enthusiasm starts at the top. It really does, and you could have had a bad fourth quarter in 24, but if you start out with being positive, not Pollyannish, not trying to pull the wool over people's eyes, but being honest about it, but being enthusiastic about it, hey, team, you did great. I know last quarter was not that great, but we're going to stick together, we're going to make this happen and you know we just really need that and this is the goal for this quarter. And let's pull together. And you might say, okay, what can we do better in the first quarter that we didn't do well in the last quarter, and just evaluate that at the beginning of the year. So maybe you can just do a little course adjustment.
Speaker 1:Reconnect with a purpose is what I like. Saying that, yes, that's a good word.
Speaker 2:Reconnect with a purpose.
Speaker 1:Yeah, yeah.
Speaker 2:And so you know, if you look at just like a ship or a boat, you know, and you just move the rudder one degree, just one degree, it's not going to look like you were off course, or the new course is not that much different. But if you go that for an hour or two, it's a huge difference. And so the question is what's the one thing you can do that tweak it just one or two degrees from what you did before. It can make a huge difference in a month or the first quarter, or in six months, and so you don't have to reorganize everything, Just make one or two little tweaks about it and it could be spending more time with your people.
Speaker 2:It could be clarifying expectations. It could be doing a better evaluation with your people. It could be clarifying expectations. It could be doing a better evaluation of your people. It could be saying, hey, our supply line is not doing great, how can we improve that? It could be getting feedback from your people. I mean, what can you do to make that little tweak to do what you just said? I think it's great.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and there's a quote by Robert Collier success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out with enthusiasm. You know how can you do those, can you get into those routines? How can you set yourself up for success? How can you reconnect with this purpose? Be a better leader. You know it's a new beginning, it's a new year. Think about how you can get better. I always tell people, if you do the same thing that you did last year, you're going to be the same as this year. It's going to set this year up for success. Change your mentality, and that's what God was trying to do with Jonah. Change your mentality a little bit, right.
Speaker 2:Right, and who was it that said? Or they said something like if you keep doing what you've always done you keep getting what you always got.
Speaker 2:And so if you look back and say, oh, we'll just keep doing the same thing, and then you try to expect something different, that's not going to work. In 12 months you're going to go back and say, why didn't we do better? It's because you didn't want to do anything different. So, Jonah, his core value was he believed that God was merciful. He really did believe that, but the problem was he only thought he was merciful to the people that you know, his kind of people. He didn't think God was merciful, he didn't want God to be merciful over everybody, and so he was not acting according to his core values. And so the question we have is is this new direction that you're you know facing, or you want to face with your people, is it, does it align with your core values?
Speaker 1:Right, you know, is it? Is it the big big? You know the big picture? Is it the vision? You know, and I think that you get that when it talks about Jonah he.
Speaker 2:you know, after all, that he went and sat under this plant right At the very end, at the very end, he sat under this plant. And then some bug came and ate all the leaves, and then he was just toasted. He had no shade, right? Yeah, he was toasted.
Speaker 1:So you know and that's one of those things that you know he wasn't looking at the bigger picture of what he was trying to do and you need to stay focused on the mission and he got more focused on that plant and why he didn't have shade, and why God had to send this bug to eat all the leaves, than he was to his whole mission and why he was there in the city.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and so that creates another great point, and that is our decisions as leaders affect a lot of people, and so if our decision is to keep doing the same thing but we want different results, that's going to affect organization. People are going to get discouraged. They're going to say, oh gosh, here's another year. It's going to be the same as last year, but if you say, you know what, we're going to do something a little bit different okay.
Speaker 2:We're going to cut our staff meeting down from three and a half hours to two hours and we're going to make that happen effective immediately, and so if you want something discussed in a staff meeting, then I need it the day before so I can prioritize that. If you have something personal with me, then we can talk about it later, but just something small, because the decisions that you make affect so many people, and not just them, but their families, their attitude. It's like a snowball effect.
Speaker 1:Mm-hmm. Yeah, and that's one of those things that you see, that you know, and you know we talked about it here in my lessons from Jonah was that second chances? You know he had a lot of second. The new year right, it's as much as you know. As a coach, I tell people don't wait till the new year, don't worry about it, we're at the new year. So if I'm at the new year, I'm really going to use the new year right, because a lot of people they have that in their head that this is a new beginning, oh, we're going to have a great year, we're going to do things right and I'm going to be a better leader. And you know little things like that.
Speaker 1:If you take baby steps, you know, change your meetings up, change different things. There's a lot of times I've had meetings scheduled and you talk about the same thing over and over and over. We'll have them walk in and go hey, I'm going to play this 30 minute video. It's a motivational video. Then we're going to get out. Anybody have anything new? Nope, I didn't think so.
Speaker 1:Anyway, that right there makes your meetings more impactful over the long term because they know when you have actually something going on that you're going to have a meeting or you're going to do something different. Think about how not only that you can do the same old meeting, which I hear it so many times. Think about how you can make everybody a little bit better this year. You know, play a little video, give them some quotes, talk about some stories, give some inspiration to make them a little bit better. Because I always tell people you have to have your rinse and repeat stuff, but you also have to have one or two little things every day, every week, to make you better. If you're not, you're going to be stagnant and nobody's ever going to move forward in your company or you.
Speaker 2:That's exactly right. So one of the things that you can try. You might total fail, but you might want to try if you have staff meeting. Let's say we used to have staff meeting every week on Tuesday morning 10 o'clock. Okay, Okay, maybe once a month you just need to have a stand-up meeting. That'll guarantee that meeting will be short. You know, just stand-up meeting. Hey you know everybody's going to stand up.
Speaker 1:We're going to cover everything. I almost wanted to go like that. It's almost a dad joke in a way, right, yeah, it's like stand-up meeting.
Speaker 2:You know we're going to stand up, we're going to be here, we're going to think, wow, we just got back an hour and a half. Yeah.
Speaker 2:I want you to be productive in the next hour and a half. I don't want you to just be on social media and that kind of stuff. Let's go back to what you said about second chances, because God gave Noah so many second chances and in the Bible there's so many stories about God giving people second chances, because he's the God of second chances. And so the question is you have an employee that's not done well.
Speaker 1:Right.
Speaker 2:And the question is are you thinking about letting that person go? And I know, tim, you and I both had to make the hard decisions of letting people go. I'm not saying give people 100 chances. You lay out expectations and sometimes people mess up, sometimes they don't do what you expect. But the question is are you willing to give someone a second chance?
Speaker 1:And if you are.
Speaker 2:There needs to be very, very clear expectations and a timeline in which you think those expectations should be met. So they should know If you meet those expectations. Maybe I've had to put people on probation for 30 days, 60 days, 90 days and just see if they can turn around.
Speaker 1:PIP plan you know, and set steps. They have to do every year.
Speaker 2:Yes, and sometimes it works fantastic because they know hey, yeah, they're watching me.
Speaker 1:But if I do this, fear of loss is sometimes the biggest motivator.
Speaker 2:Yes, and so that's like, okay, I'm going to do better in my evaluating of people's performance and I'm going to give this person a second chance, but I'm going to set clear expectations of what they're supposed to do over the next 60 days. I'm going to meet with them every week and if they are not doing it, then they're gone and just see what happens. But that's a really good lesson from this book of Jonah that God gave him a second chance.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I tie that into another thing, just as the growth of leaders, of Jonah, how he, I say he grew over the course, right?
Speaker 2:Well, at least we interpret that to a way right Sometimes, yeah, A little.
Speaker 1:Maybe, it's a lot of questions there, but humility definitely stood out in that growth and humility of how you can do that, and I think, as a leader, that you need to have growth. You can't stagnate. You can't just be the same person. You got to think outside the box on some of these things. So many people are inside the box thinkers and I just want people to start thinking outside the box a little bit more.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So, as a leader, what are you going to do to improve yourself this year? Right, I know that for me. I've been playing guitar a long time. I want to get better at that, so I signed up to take a course at the community college.
Speaker 1:Nice.
Speaker 2:Yes, just because I want to learn something new about the guitar, fretboard, finger picking, whatever it may be. I want to get a different perspective from a professional musician who teaches that every day to say, okay, what can I learn new? Now, I'm not great, I've never been great. I want to get better, but you've got to take steps to do that. You can't just wish, you know, wishful thinking, and somehow magically it happens. No, you take steps to get better. And so, for me, I'm taking steps to get better at guitar playing, signing up at community college twice a week. Class starts in two weeks. It'll go through May, you know. Then take a summer break. I'll probably sign up for another one in the fall, just to expand my knowledge of how to do that.
Speaker 1:It's going to be bringing the guitar in the studio. Bringing the guitar in the studio. Yeah, not, I like it.
Speaker 2:No, but it's just one of those things that I've wanted to do, and now I have time to do it, and so the question is what are you going to do to improve your leadership? It might be that you reach out to Tim. He teaches leadership principles all year long and there are some great classes he offers. Some are online, some are in person. And there are some great classes he offers. Some are online, Some are in person. If that's not good for you, you might reach out to him and say okay, what's something that I can do? Is there a book I can read? Is there something that I can do to improve how I evaluate people, how I set goals? Do something like that would be a really good step in helping you become a better leader.
Speaker 1:I like it. Well, you know, this is the first show of the year, as much as I want to talk forever, you know. I think we should at least throw some dad jokes in here.
Speaker 2:We should throw in some dad jokes. Okay so what did the cat say when she hurt her paw?
Speaker 1:Oh, I've heard this one before. Yeah, I bet you have Meow, meow, meow. What else you got?
Speaker 2:for us, Dr B. Okay, so where can you watch the fly fishing tournament?
Speaker 1:Ooh, I have not heard this one, yeah where can you watch the fly fishing tournament?
Speaker 2:You can watch it on livestream.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'll give you a little bit on that one. So yeah, that's fine.
Speaker 2:You know it's a new year. People are worried about their money, worried about the stock market, worried about bank rates. Inflation sometimes gets really out of hand. But that's just my five cents.
Speaker 1:Yeah, there you go. Let's see, I was trying to think if I had any good ones. Look at that. No, that one's horrible.
Speaker 2:Okay, so here's the thing You're really good at looking at people's faces and interpreting.
Speaker 1:I am.
Speaker 2:You're really good at that.
Speaker 1:Signometry yeah, you're really good at this.
Speaker 2:I guess what people can do for a living just by looking at their hands.
Speaker 1:Oh yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I mean, I'm usually wrong, but I can guess.
Speaker 1:Okay, yeah, well, that's good.
Speaker 2:But that's really a skill that you've learned to fine-tune over the years, haven't you?
Speaker 1:Yeah, body language for sure. And then there is a thing called face reading. It's the art of the science of signometry, it's been used for years. And you have a left side of your face is a personal side of your face, and your right side is your business side, and every little line means something. The way your nose, because your face is very asymmetrical, so everything doesn't line up. A line mean something. The way your nose, because your face is very asymmetrical, so everything doesn't line up, and it's all. It's like a roadmap of yourself, you know, of looking at somebody's face.
Speaker 2:I can find out a lot about you. So the bags under my eyes, the bags, the crow's feet the lines on your forehead shape of your ears, your eyes your nose. That's a big forehead, because there's no hair up there. Oh, okay, this is the perfect joke this time of year.
Speaker 1:Perfect joke this time of year.
Speaker 2:Did you hear about the guy who froze to death at the drive-in movie theater? No, he went to see. Closed for Winter.
Speaker 1:Okay, I'll give you that one too, so, yeah, that's pretty good man. I just I don't have.
Speaker 2:I wasn't prepared for some good ones, so what are you if you see a robbery at the Apple store?
Speaker 1:An accessory.
Speaker 2:An eyewitness.
Speaker 1:All right, I'll give you that one. I'll give you that one. Dad are you? How about, dad? Are you talking to the fish?
Speaker 2:Yes.
Speaker 1:I always like to drop them a line.
Speaker 2:Oh, okay, how about this one? Now, here's the thing. If our listener, how about?
Speaker 1:this one. Now, here's the thing.
Speaker 2:If our listener, if you're in Fort Worth, Dallas area, Fort Worth has probably one of the best zoos, if not the best zoo in the country. It is just absolutely phenomenal.
Speaker 1:It's got a nice zoo.
Speaker 2:It's really incredible. If you have some time, take the kids to the zoo. It's just an amazing place. But did you hear about the aquatic sea mammals that escape from the zoo? No, it was otter chaos.
Speaker 1:All right, I'm going to let you do all the dad jokes.
Speaker 2:No, I think I'm done.
Speaker 1:I'll prepare for some better dad jokes next year. I was being all lazy coming the first year, you know, coming off vacay, so I didn't have any good ones lined up.
Speaker 2:So you know it's important to as I tell some people, it's important to floss and brush the teeth you want to keep right.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Well, my dentist offered me dentures for only a dollar.
Speaker 1:Dentures for only a dollar.
Speaker 2:It sounded like a good deal at the time, but now I have buck teeth. All right, I'll give you that one, that was pretty good, wow two in a row.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I won some man. All right guys, check us out. Wait a minute, oh sorry, Check us out. Wait a minute. Oh sorry, Sorry, Dr Posey, Okay.
Speaker 2:I am really good at sleeping.
Speaker 1:You are.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I can even do it with my eyes closed, oh okay, I'm done.
Speaker 1:I'm done, I better be done Our audience is going, please be done. Well, no, it was fun. We just live in the life of our new year's show.
Speaker 2:If you haven't, listened to that one. You want to hear some rapid fire dad jokes? Oh wow, that was really good we had fun so much fun.
Speaker 1:Hey, check us out biblicalleadershipshowcom and, you know, tell us what you're doing this year is, you know? Send us a text, uh, send us an email. Let us know what you got going this year, what, what kind of goal setting you've put together, you know, to increase your spiritual growth? Uh, what do you have in place? Um, maybe some big goals, you know, share with us, Cause we always like to hear, uh, what impact we're having in your lives. So, reach out to us, send us some good dad jokes. We always welcome on them. We get a lot of dad jokes. We've actually increased over the years, you know, on the dad jokes. People are just feeling sorry for us.
Speaker 2:I think they are saying please, we're sending these guys some dad jokes. Please send us some dad jokes.
Speaker 1:Yeah, other than that, guys have a great. We're looking forward to a great new year.
Speaker 2:We are looking forward to a great new year and next time we get together we're going to do Hosea and Amos Hosea and Amos should be a good one.
Speaker 1:other than that, have a great year, and we're going to talk to you next week, but other than that, dr P, take us out.
Speaker 2:Make it a great day. Make it a great day.